S. Simpliciano romanica. Per una storia architettonica della Basilica Virginum di Milano nel medioevo



Storia dell’arte  [154] Nuova Serie 2 | Luglio – Dicembre 2020

Luigi Carlo Schiavi

S. Simpliciano romanica. Per una storia architettonica della Basilica Virginum di Milano nel medioevo

The article analyses the Romanesque transformations of the Basilica of S. Simpliciano in Milan. In the second half of the twentieth century, the church was subjected to a lengthy restoration, which made it possible to reconstitute the monument’s architectural history. After the discovery by Wart Arslan in 1943 of portions dated to the Ambrosian age, San Simpliciano became an exemplary monument of Late Antiquity. However, medieval modifications radically transformed the space of the basilica. These later modifications have never really been investigated, and yet, today, they allow us to research the design strategies of the Milanese Romanesque builders.

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