Storia dell’arte [20] | Gennaio – Aprile 1974
Sergio Rossi
Idea e accademia. Studio sulle teorie artistiche di Federico Zuccaro. I. Disegno interno e disegno esterno.
Federico Zuccari is certainly one the protagonists of the Art of the Late 16th century, and it is to Zuccaro as theorist and Academic that the present work is dedicated. It will be articulated in two parts, but rather than follow the artistic and theoretical work of Federico chronologically, beginning with his formation under the influence of his brother Taddeo, certainly with his presidence of the Accademia di S. Luca in 1593-1594, and coming finally to an analysis of his more complex text, L’idea dei Pittori, Scultori ed Architetti (1607), it will instead follow the reverse order, beginning in this first part with L’idea, in order to reconstruct the complex philosophical sources, and to understand its complex ideological aims.