‘Un Mecenate che distribuisce premij ai virtuosi’. The re-found portrait of the Marquis Niccolò Maria Pallavicini by Andrea Procaccini


Storia dell’arte n. 160
Nuova Serie 2 | 2023

Sabrina Norlander Eliasson

‘Un Mecenate che distribuisce premij ai virtuosi’. The re-found portrait of the Marquis Niccolò Maria Pallavicini by Andrea Procaccini


In 2016, the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm received a bequest from the Swedish Office of Cadastral Survey. The bequeathed painting resulted to be the well-known but up to now lost portrait of the Marquis Niccolò Maria Pallavicini (1650-1714) painted by the Maratti pupil Andrea Procaccini (1671-1734) in 1707. The painting, well-known to the scholars in the field, was conceived as a pendent to the portrait of the Marquis by the very same Maratti, namely the Marchese Niccolò Maria Pallavicini guided to the Temple of Virtue by Apollo with a Self-Portrait of the Artist, part of the Hoare Collection/National Trust and displayed at Stourhead in Wiltshire. The recovery of the Stockholm portrait enables to complete the recent scholarship on Pallavicini as patron of the arts and to restore an important art work to the field of study on Settecento Rome.