“Storia dell’arte”. Passaggi di codici


Storia dell’arte n. 161
Nuova Serie 1 | 2024

Antonella Sbrilli
“Storia dell’arte”. Passaggi di codici


Antonella Sbrilli comments on Argan’s mentions of the use of computers for sorting and classifying art-historical culture, featured in the opening essay of the first issue of the journal (1969). Argan’s observations are related to the early applications of information technology to the creation of corpora, in the perspective of dawning Digital Humanities and in the context of the lively discussions on the risks and opportunities of the relation between artistic languages and mechanization in the 1960s and 1970s. Sbrilli dwells on the editorial and graphic history of “Storia dell’arte” within the Florentine publishing house La Nuova Italia that published it thanks to Calvesi’s initiative, and presents the projects undertaken since the 50th anniversary of its founding: a website, a blog, an Instagram account and the project of digitization of the entire textual corpus of the journal.