Guercino decoratore fra poesia del quotidiano e scelte tecniche


Storia dell’arte n. 157 – Nuova Serie | 2022
Numero dedicato a “Guercino nel Casino Ludovisi 1621 – 1623” a cura di Daniele Benati, Barbara Ghelfi, Raffaella Morselli

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Barbara Ghelfi

Guercino decoratore fra poesia del quotidiano e scelte tecniche


​The contribution traces the events of Guercino decorator, between Cento and Bologna, before and after his sojourn in Rome (1621-1623), comparing the information provided by ancient sources with the pictorial technique adopted by the master. The critical work and diagnostic investigations carried out especially in recent years have reveled this, since the first tests, Guercino has used a mixed technique, superimposing the traditional “buon fresco” with dry touch-up. This procedure corresponds to the peculiar traits of his artistic personality, guaranteeing him the possibility of intervening even to the last, to remake those parts that did not satisfy him or to add details and pieces that were not initially planned.