I ‘compagni di stanza’ del Guercino a Roma


Storia dell’arte n. 157 – Nuova Serie | 2022
Numero dedicato a “Guercino nel Casino Ludovisi 1621 – 1623” a cura di Daniele Benati, Barbara Ghelfi, Raffaella Morselli

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Enrico Ghetti

 I ‘compagni di stanza’ del Guercino a Roma

The text explores the personalities of some Emilian artists who cohabited with guercino during his Roman years. The predominantly managerial role of Lorenzo Gennari in the Gennari-Barbieri workshop in Cento is brought into focus, while reviewing the catalog of his paintings, some of which are to be returned to Matteo Loves and Benedetto Zallone. The identification of a Martyrdom of St. Lawrence attributable to Cristoforo Serra, who was in Rome with Guercino in 1623, allows us to better clarify the role that he had in the formation of Serra himself. This painting ­reveals the great fascination that Serra had for the Aurora Ludovisi and the Saint Petronilla. This is an opportunity to analyze the artist’s obscure beginnings and trace a different path than the one proposed so far. At the same time, chronological clarifications to some of Guercino’s drawings are proposed. A young Magdalene in meditation is ­referred to him and it is traced a method that he used to supply drawings and sketches to his students.
Finally, the barely-known Ippolito Provenzale, author of a Guercinesque St. Francesca Romana in S. Crisogono church in Rome and of the decorations of the Villa Giovannina in S. Matteo della Decima, joins the Roman ­entourage of Guercino.