In fase di pubblicazione

Johannes Hispanus: ancora una ‘Madonna con il Bambino’




Storia dell’arte n. 155-156 – Nuova Serie 1/2 | 2021

Stefania Castellana

Johannes Hispanus: ancora una ‘Madonna con il Bambino’

In 2019 the Madonna and Child, once in Geoffrey F. Hammond Collection (Stamford), has appeared in New York, in a Christie’s auction: in 1994 Everett Fahy attributed the painting to Fra’ Bartolomeo, but recently Marco Tanzi suggests it’s a work by Johanns Hispanus. The paper analyzes the critical and stylistic questions around this topic, trying to clarify the role of the Spanish painter in the Florentine context at the end of the XV Century, and his relationships with Fra’ Bartolomeo.

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