La fortuna visiva dei dipinti di Guercino nella Villa Ludovisi


Storia dell’arte n. 157 – Nuova Serie | 2022
Numero dedicato a “Guercino nel Casino Ludovisi 1621 – 1623” a cura di Daniele Benati, Barbara Ghelfi, Raffaella Morselli

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Ilaria Miarelli Mariani

La fortuna visiva dei dipinti di Guercino nella Villa Ludovisi

The essay traces the history of the visual fortune of Guercino’s paintings at the Casino Ludovisi through his printed reproductions. A visual fortune not so extensive, given the small number of engravings and series of prints derived from the paintings. From the first known engraving, made in 1621 by Giovan Battista Pasqualini, we need to wait ­until the second half of the 18th century to see the wall paintings reproduced again, by authors of the stature of Fragonard, Giovanni Volpato and Carlo Lasinio, and by the lesser-known Francesco Pozzi.