Storia dell’arte n. 155-156 – Nuova Serie 1/2 | 2021
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Irene Baldriga
L’altro Rinascimento: Raffaello e i pittori del Nord
The essay focuses on the controversial issue of Raphael’s relationship with Northern art, by outlining its continuity and discussing its mutual process. After exposing the status quaestionis, possible direct contacts with Netherlandish artists are considered, particularly with regards to the documented presence of Jan Gossaert in Rome in 1509. The circumstances of this travel and the sharing of common references to the Antique suggest a possible and up to now never considered acquaintance of the two artists. The cultural relevance of Raphael’s challenge with the Northern Renaissance is mainly analyzed through the perspective forged by Vasari, whose critical approach highlights the achievement of an Italian supremacy in the fields of portrait, landscape and oil painting technique. The «ottimo universale» by Raphael, meant as a balanced mixture of a variety of patterns, became an artistic language suitable to match the international political needs of the Habsburg imperial court.