Dalla bottega di Cento allo studio di Bologna. L’azienda di Giovanni Francesco e Paolo Antonio Barbieri



Storia dell’arte [149] Nuova Serie 2018|1

Raffaella Morselli

Dalla bottega di Cento allo studio di Bologna. L’azienda di Giovanni Francesco e Paolo Antonio Barbieri

Through the comparison of the sources and the documents, some very well known as the account book, the will, the letters published, the inventories of the Gennari property of 1719 and the draft of the will written by the two brothers Barbieri dating back to 1648, it is possible to reconstruct the choice of live business, managed from 1629 to 1649 in a corporate structure of parity with his brother Paolo Antonio. The surviving documents of their company demonstrate the perfect management of the family administration. Even the two Bolognese houses of the painters, purchased in 1644 and 1659, and their connected structure, attest the organizational level of the painters and their society.